Lost technology - Veronica, the Gopher Search Engine (2007)
Just found this – a Gopher search engine. The Gopher protocol itself contains a built in search mechanism.Here’s how it works:-gopher://hal3000.cx:2347/7I’ve bolded the item type character, which is usually one of the following: * 0 = plain text file * 1 = directory listing * 2 = CSO search query * 3 = error message * 4 = BinHex encoded text file * 5 = binary archive file * 6 = UUEncoded text file * 7 = search engine query * 8 = telnet session pointer * 9 = binary file * g =
Stylishly stylish. (2007)
So, I’ve started using Stylish, a plugin for Firefox that lets you redefine the style of websites. I started playing around with it and then began looking for some blogs to read.A frequent visit for me, is Jono’s blog – but all that stuff around the sites, I don’t read. Also, Jono tends to post LONG posts, and I like to read them, but his fonts are uncomfortably small for me.So here we go.[sourcecode language=’css’]@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);@-moz-document domain(“jonob