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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

With humility... (2008)

One of the most important things I’ve realised in my own life in the last few years, though I was unaware of the term, is this concept of humility, and ability to deal with criticism better.I am lucky to be in a fairly unique position where I am asked for my opinions on lots of things, and a big part of exploring and understanding freedom, is learning how to respond to common questions in the best possible way.As an example, I have in the past, when speaking to my friends about these

How does your garden grow? (2008)

One of the best things about getting married, apart from all the cake you get to eat, is the amount of cool, random things people will buy you.One such gift we asked for was the Aerogarden. It’s a hydrogen lamp home growing system.I’m currently growing some herbs.Here’s my progress so far…