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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

Corruption of the Wikipedia (2008)

“Wikipedia is not only amateur-friendly, but expert-unfriendly. They pretend not to be, and give lip service to the importance of expert editors. But when you put the rules together, you realize that people who are actually authorities on a subject are forced to argue with one hand tied behind their backs.”

introducing (2008)

Today, I stopped Twittering.Yesterday, I became aware, as many did, of a service called — the first thing I thought was “Wow, that’s the end of Twitter for me then”The sad thing? I started hacking around on some ideas for my own Twitter clone last week, but I lack the commitment to really go through with it, which is great, because is free software — and not just any free software, but AGPL to boot.I’m of course, and some people have already found and fo