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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

The Wikipedia "Naming Controversy" by Joshua Gay (2008)

On the English version of Wikipedia there is an article that discussesthe naming controversy over whether one should call the operatingsystem “GNU/Linux” or “Linux.” In that article, some contend thatLinux is the more popular and common name for the system. But whenwriting an encyclopedia, neither popularity nor commonality are theparamount concerns. Calling the system “GNU/Linux” is more factuallyaccurate, as the GNU project largely forms the base of alldistributions of the operat

libtool (2008)

GNU Libtool is a set of shell scripts which automatically configure UNIX and UNIX-like systems to generically build shared libraries. Libtool provides a consistent, portable interface which simplifies the process of using shared libraries.