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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

Amazon customer service (2009)

So, tonight I finally got around to signing up with — I had been putting it off for a while. The experience is somewhat different to the UK version, in so much that Amazon really delivers on a whole lot more promise than it does in the UK.Point 1 — Repeat ordersNow I don’t have to worry about my cat getting fed — Amazon are going to ship a 24-pack of catfood to my house every 30 days for the rest of time. Kitty will be happy. Also ordered some healthy snack bars, some bathroom pro

BIOS confirms it: ThinkPad is dying (2009)

I turned my laptop on earlier to hear two beeps, followed by the insightful message ‘Fan error’, before my machine quickly shut off.Thankful of my most recent backup, I safely stored the SD card I backed up onto in an Altoids tin in my desk and wrote ‘Backup’ on the lid with a Sharpie. No kidding.I scrambled for my cellphone, grabbed my wife’s laptop and found the support number for Lenovo, hoping someone out there would take pity on me and quickly sell me a new fan. After less than a minute