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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

Day One, June 20th 2011 (2011)

A change of pace.I’ve decided I need to change a few things, both in order to help melive better but also to fell well rested and able to do morethings. Especially in the last year I’ve found myself struggling withmy diet and my work-output.* Firstly, I’m going to reduce my computer usage: spend more time awayfrom my computer, both at work and at home, working on thingsoffline. This also extends to things like instant messenger,microblogging, email and such. In fact, I’ll be gett

In which Matt returns to blogging (2011)

So, I realized I hadn’t really written anything here in nearly two years. Ouch.What’s new? In quickfire:– GNU FM and GNU social are still going.– Rob, Liam and I formed our company legally finally. We’re [Foo Communications, LLC](– Still in Boston, still at the FSF. Both still good.– Mark, Vikki and I have committed to recording a new [furny]( album in 2012. Scary.– I’m not play Warhammer much, I’m playing lots of [Kings of War](http://www.mant