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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

Day Three, June 22nd 2011 (2011)

I worked from home today, looking after Robin who’s sick with a cold, but also to try and get some more work done on a piece I’m writing about YouTube Rentals. YouTube Rentals is by far one of the stupidest things YouTube have done lately — going against all their good work in the area of web standards and accessible, free formats for the masses and shoveling an ill-conceived rental program to try and compete with… someone.I get most of my entertainment from Netflix and the web. I don’t want t

Day Two, June 21st 2011 (2011)

Last night was pretty fun, a bunch of people came out for my weekly trivia night. It’s essentially a pub quiz, for those of you who have no idea what trivia is. The theme this week was (appropriately) 1981 — some of the questions, which Don usually assembles were somewhat contrived, but its hard to come up with 15 interesting questions that people might actually get.I’m now the proud owner of a set of ‘Bottle Top’ — a revolutionary new product for putting a flip-open bottle cap on a can of sod