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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

TMBG Join Us (with free software) (2011)

They Might Be Giants have a new album out today, it’s called Join Us.[Amazon MP3 has a promo, the whole album for $4.]( albums from Amazon MP3 requires a plugin or client on your desktop computer. Amazon has one, but its proprietary software. Luckily, there’s at least two other projects you can use which will let you download albums

Day Four, June 23rd 2011 (2011)

I think I nailed that YouTube article. We’ll see how it goes. Also I finished Angry Birds.So today, Bob the Intern and I had a game of Kings of War, with me playing the Dwarfs and Bob taking the Undead. Bob’s played a couple of games before, but this time I totally ruined him:* Bob rolled to go first, and moved all his forces up by 5 inches. Taking advantage of move and shoot with the skeletons, and scoring a couple of hits on my Ironclad Warriors. The Balefire Catapult failed, however.* M