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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

Black out your favicon (2012)

UhEUgAAABAAAAAQAQMAAAAlPW0iAAAAA1BMVEUAAACnej3aAAAADElEQVQImWNgIA0AAAAwAAFDlLdnAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC” />That’s all the HTML you need. Put that in your page’s section.

Following and friends (2012)

Anyone who’s interacted with me for any significant period of time will tell you that I pretty much suck at replying to email, keeping up with things, keeping up with people.I have gotten slightly better at this lately, with my new technique: push almost everything away from me, allow the rest to slip through the cracks, and constantly adjust the cracks as needed.For this, I have come to rely on two things: virtually ignoring everything by forcing myself to read my email through a dated we