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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

New websites (finally) (2024)

After much hand-ringing on my part, I am somewhat satisfied with my new setup for blogging and publishing on my website. This explains my setup a little.

My previous setup:

  • Every page on my website is basically a static file, going back to 1994. I’ve attempted to use WordPress, Movable Type Open Source and many other tools over the years to remedy this, to no avail.
  • Homepage is updated every 10 mins from via everyone’s favorite CMS, curl.
  • I also have a blog at which is a WordPress blog.

My new setup:

  • Every page on my website is still a static file, new static files are generated by Eleventy/11ty, older files are left as-is.
  • I write blog posts and new pages in Ghost, run a script and Eleventy generates a static copy of my whole site on my computer.
  • I use rsync to copy the files to my web server.

My ideal setup:

  • What I have now, but the rsync part happens automatically.
  • Ghost is easier to install (doesn’t require a command line)
  • Something something Markdown in Git.

How I got here

I’ve been thinking about this for some time. Far too long, really. I miss how Movable Type does/did things but sadly the open source version is long since dead and OpenMelody didn’t get the traction it needed.

A few weeks ago I started experimenting with a tool to get posts from WordPress directly into a new Eleventy site. My current setup is based on the Eleventy Starter Pack. I’m using a less modified version for the blog too. Next step? Write about internet history? Sure, why not.

How do I get here?

Get a personal website and some dynamic or static hosting today if you can.

First you’ll need a domain name and I recommend for that.

In terms of static hosting:

Thoughts? Let me know.

Published: Tue Oct 29 2024 16:34:26 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by