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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

Proposed Dwarf Army list (2012)

1800pt Dwarfs Roster (Standard)

Dwarfs (Standard) Selections:

Solid Units (1225pts)

  • Berserker Brock-Riders Regiment (245pts)Vicious

    Brew of Haste (15pts) (Brew of Haste)

  • Bulwarkers Horde (250pts)Phalanx

    Fire Oil (5pts) (Fire Oil)

  • Ironguard Regiment (130pts)
  • Ironwatch Regiment (140pts)crossbows (Piercing (1)), Piercing Arrow (10pts) (Piercing Arrow)
  • Rangers Horde (350pts)Crushing Strength (1), Vanguard

    Blasting Arrow (20pts) (Blasting Arrow), Light crossbows (treat as bows)

  • Shieldbreakers Regiment (110pts)Crushing Strength (1)

War Engines (165pts)

  • Ironbelcher Cannon (85pts)Blast (2d6+1), Elite (if within 6″ of a Warsmith), Grapeshot, Piercing (4)
  • Ironbelcher Organ Gun (80pts)Elite (if within 6″ of a Warsmith), Piercing (2), Range 24″

Heroes/ Monsters (410pts)

  • Battle Driller (50pts)Crushing Strength (1), Individual
  • Dwarf King (160pts)Crushing Strength (1), Individual, Inspiring

    Da Boomstick (30pts) (Zap (3))

  • Steel Behemoth (200pts)Breath Attack (10), Crushing Strength (3)

Profile Summary:

  • Name Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne
    Berserker Brock-Riders Troop 10 8 4+ 4+ 30 20/22
  • Name Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne
    Driller 1 4 4+ 5+ 2d6 10/12
    King 1 4 3+ 6+ 5 14/16
  • Name Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne
    Bulwarkers Horde 40 4 4+ 5+ 20 21/23
    Ironguard Regiment 20 4 3+ 5+ 10 6
    Ironwatch Regiment 20 4 4+ 5+ 4+ 10 14/16
    Rangers Horde 40 4 4+ 4+ 4+ 20 21/23
    Shieldbreakers Regiment 20 4 4+ 4+ 10 14/16
  • Name Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne
    Steel Behemoth 1 3 6+ 6+ 20 16/18
  • Name Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne
    Ironbelcher Cannon 1 4 5+ 5+ 1 10/12
    Ironbelcher Organ Gun 1 4 5+ 5+ 15 10/12

Roster Rule Summary:

  • Army Special Rule: Headstrong: Whenever a unit begins a turn Wavering, it rolls a die. On a 4+ it shrugs off the effects of Wavering and can act normally that turn.

Selection Rule Summary:

  • Blasting Arrow: Roll one of the unit’s ranged attacks separately. This one attack only counts as Blast (d6). Can only be used by normal ranged attacks.
  • Breath Attack (10): Ranged attack, roll 10 dice instead of the At value. Range 12″, hits on 4+ unmodified.
  • Brew of Haste: +1 Speed.
  • Crushing Strength (1): Melee hits have a +1 modifier when rolling to damage.
  • Crushing Strength (3): Melee hits have a +3 modifier when rolling to damage.
  • Elite (if within 6″ of a Warsmith): Whenever the unit rolls to hit or to damage, it can re-roll one of the dice that failed to hit/damage.
  • Fire Oil: Successful ranged or melee damage from this unit against a unit with Regeneration causes the target unit to lose Regeneration for the rest of the game
  • Individual: The unit does not have any flank or rear facings.
    When shooting against this unit, enemies suffer an additional -1 penalty on their rolls to hit. The unit also has the Nimble special rule.
  • Inspiring: If the unit or any friendly units within 6″ of it are Routed, the opponent must re-roll that Nerve test.
  • Piercing (1): All ranged hits inflicted by the unit have a +1 modifier when rolling to damage.
  • Piercing (2): All ranged hits inflicted by the unit have a +2 modifier when rolling to damage.
  • Piercing (4): All ranged hits inflicted by the unit have a +4 modifier when rolling to damage.
  • Piercing Arrow: Roll one of the unit’s ranged attacks separately. This one attack only counts as Piercing (4). Can only be used by normal ranged attacks.
  • Zap (3): The unit has a ranged attack. You roll (n) dice for this ranged attack rather than using the Attacks value of the unit. This attack has a range of 24”³, always hits on 4+ (regardless of modifiers) and is Piercing (1).

Published: Sat Nov 17 2012 12:53:23 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by