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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

LibrePlanet 2012 (2012)

I don’t like to mix work and personal stuff, but this is both. On March 24th/25th, we’ll be having another LibrePlanet conference in Boston.

This will be the fourth conference, and I believe the largest so-far. It’s at UMass Boston, who have a beautiful campus and facility — so beautiful in fact we’re probably going to have future conferences there as well.

We have a really impressive list of speakers: From the FSF: Bradley M. Kuhn, Brett Smith, John Sullivan, Josh Gay, Ward Vandewege, plus Alison Chaiken, Chris Webber, David Sugar, Deb Nicholson, Eben Moglen, Eben Upton, Evan Prodromou, ginger coons, Joel Izlar, Jonathan Nadeau, Karen Sander, Matthew Garrett, Mike Linksvayer, Richard Fontana, and Rubén Rodríguez, with more to come…

Published: Tue Feb 21 2012 14:16:29 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by