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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

This is a fight we have to win (2006)

I must speak out against both her and DReaM. A DRM compromise at this stage would be insanity. This is a fight we have to win.

Quote from Mako‘s blog post about Sun’s OpenMediaCommons – ‘Dare to DReaM?‘ – however my favourite part of the post has to be “I interrupted Landau to point out that CC licenses had an anti-DRM clause that, as far I knew, would make her system unusable on CC content. ”
I’m certainly glad we have people willing to go and long and be a pain in the arse at events like this, because that’s what it’ll take to win this.

Published: Thu Nov 16 2006 09:55:39 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by