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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

Why I Hate Sports (2006)

I hate sports, and here’s why – they bring out the part of most people that is best left hidden away. Competitive sports, as opposed to friendly, non aggressive sports like the ones played by nuns are the main problem as I see it. Put a bunch of loud, drunk people in a place full of similar folk, add a healthy dose of xenophobia, some jingoism and some good old fashioned violent behaviour and you’ve got the kind of people we could all do without. Football appears to be the worst for breeding these people, and that’s not to say that all football fans are in anyway mentally deficient, because I know that to untrue, but it does turn most seemingly well balanced, sensible, highly likable people into something I can’t comprehend. I’m told ‘people put football before their friends’ or ‘people put football before their weddings’ and I think ‘Yeah, stupid people.’ but even that seems harsh. It does something to them though. It makes them dislikable and makes them seem like the very people we’d normally mock.

That’s why I hate sports – they turn the people I love and care about into the very people I despise most.

Oh yes, and I realise I made a sport, but it’s purposely anti this kind of crap.

Published: Tue Jul 04 2006 15:51:31 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by