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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

Bear Strength (2006)

Received this in my email, it refers to the text on the front of my website…

I am the fastest human being alive, and can definitely fight a bear, but I choose not to.

Anyway, post your comments below and I’ll forward the best ones back to the guy…

Hey there,
Why do you say you’re the fastest human being? What would be your mile time, 100 yd dash, and @ least 5 mi. time (if not marathon time). I’m interested.
And how do you say “I can DEFINATELY fight a bear”. How would you know that, without trying? To know if you were the fastest human is feasible; just time yourself and compare to known records (emphasis on “known”). But to say you know you can fight a bear is not as feasible. And worse to say “Definately” know.
A bear can weigh as half a ton; 1000 lbs. They can run higher than 30 mph. The top olympic atheletes run @ a rate of about 20 mph. Running @ 20 mph they weigh 150 lbs to 250 lbs and are still slower than a bear, and so to then add 500 lbs on thier backs to equal a bear’s power would make them even slower.
A car probably weighs at least 700-1000 lbs. If one were heading towards you at only 14 mph and you were to stand in front of it to stop it, do you feel that’s pratcial? I’m very interested in you so I hope to hear your response. You seem quite bold and very interesting. If it’s all true then I’d love to hear about it.
You can see my amazement by my own display of physcial comprehension for it all. Simple math. Also, a car traveling @ 15 mph is like some car driving at a school zone or some local street. I know if I were to try and stand in front of it to try to stop it, or Lou Ferrigno, or Mr. Universe, he wouldn’t be able to stop it. So how’s a 1000 lb bear traveling at over 30 mph gonna get stopped by Mr. universe, or you, or Lou Ferrigno, which is of course a greater situation than the car at the school zone.
It’s all pretty cool, so wanna hear about it. On another note, if you mean like a different kind of bear, like some old and tired bear, well then that’s no claim anymore. Or a small bear, like the one’s you see at a zoo. A shaggy opponent. Hey, ever watch “Legends of the Fall” ? Just thought of it, cuz Brad Pitt fights one at the end.
Don’t forget my 1st questions regarding your various speeds. Plus! Are you faster than Bruce Lee? If I were to video tape you swinging a punch would I be able to see it on tape? Master Bruce Lee could not be seen on tape, they slowed down the footage. Can you snatch a penny out of my hand faster than I could out of yours? Could you assemble a table faster than me? Fastest human being (as you claim) means fastest human being. Not fastest runner.
Bruce Lee was incredibly fast and if you told me he could beat two bears, heck I’d believe it. Essentially you are then saying you’re greater than Bruce Lee. Also Bruce Lee could curl a minimum of a 100 lbs in a single arm, yet he was so lean and thin and weighing 120 lbs -130lbs. That means to say he’s moving 85% of his own body weight with only one limb of that body.
Does that mean you can do the same? If so, then boy, kudos to you man. That’s amazing and exciting. Anyways, hope to hear from you Bear Champion.

Published: Mon Feb 06 2006 23:07:12 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by