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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

Ruby on Rails on Rails (2005)

So, I’m fast learning Ruby on Rails (whilst trying to keep the OMFGBBQTHX meter to a low – trying hard to not AJAX/tag everything) – it’s coming along well. It’s a lovely environment, and perhaps the only bit of 2.0 bullshit I’m excited about so far. I can now show you how to make a blog in a few minutes, from scratch. I’ve yet to start saying ‘Whoops!’, but I can work on that.
What else is new? Met with John Buckman from Magnatune – they really are not evil, and they’re doing some great stuff over there. For those of you not in the know, Magnatune is a great alternative to the mainstream evil label. They sell mainly online (so you don’t have wait) and they do all the formats you could shake a stick at… but they do some awesome stuff that major labels just aren’t doing… they encourage you to share your download with your friends/family (3 of them!), you can get a lossless recording, you pay what you feel an album is worth (having listened to it completely) and they’re doing some great stuff for podcasters. If you’ve got a podcast, you should be using Magnatune music.
CNUK and Magnatune are going to be running a contest very soon. In the meantime, I am distracted by conversations about rubbish sitcoms, playing Mario Kart and cheating in pub quizzes.

Published: Wed Dec 07 2005 12:44:00 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by