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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

The IAMC (2003)

Today is my first day in the office since Tuesday morning, no major problems, and a bit of positive news on the blogging front. It’s good that we have someone like Ben on our side. As a result of the IAMC, I now have a (better) understanding of how things I do really affect the NHS as a whole. Hopefully I’ll go again next year, circumstances permitting. A few interesting conversations to come from the IAMC evening part-y, including a chance to present my licensing free solutions to the board, which could be a great great thing if it happens.
Sadly, I also learned today that we’re getting the MS CMS, which really didn’t strike me as the best tool for the job, but it’s Microsoft, so it must be good right?
Issues like Accessibility, Price, Standards Compliance don’t seem to matter anymore. One thing that came out of the IAMC is I’ve changed my opinion, I used to think that managers and management were bad, now I think that effective management and proactive managers, can actually aid software development, then I realised that these kind of people do already exist, in Beth, who fights my corner and generally fends off bad things.
“tornado” goes live next week, if you’re already on NHSNet, you already have access 🙂
In the other world, Microsoft have bought the Virtual PC software from Connectix, and they’re now working at the Mac Business Unit – I should feel lucky that I still can run x86 Linux on PowerPC.
Apple also pushed out Mac OS X 10.2.4 update via Software Update, a 41Mb download – thank heavens for broadband. No problems at all, unlike the nightmare I had with 10.2.3.

Published: Fri Feb 21 2003 06:43:46 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by