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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

Front end study hall (2024)

Attended my first Front End study hall today, hosted by Joe. I’m still pretty tired from XOXO but it was good to see so many people turn up.I look forward to the next one.

Operating system trials for March 2024 (2024)

I have a vague idea: try a bunch of operating systems I’ve not tried before or recently. I have a spare System76 PC and a Raspberry Pi 4 and I have a few hours every Monday to try and play with them.See this thread on Mastodon and suggest something for me.Not on Mastodon? You can email me too.So far people have suggested: * Haiku * FreeBSD * TempleOS * RiscOS * OS/2 * And many more.Trying HaikuI tried to get Haiku to work. It didn’t. I filed a bug