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Dr. Matt Lee (mattl)

Web standards, accessibility, free/open source software, old UNIX/TV/Music and occasional wargaming

Using WindowMaker (2012)

As debate rages on about GNOME vs XFCE vs Unity vs KDE, I decided to take a trip back to where I got started: WindowMaker.Over the coming weeks I’m going to keep track of my progress.

jquery, raspberry pi, via apc and arduino (2012)

I’ve been playing with jquery a lot lately, doing animation on the web that I previously ignored. The real hero is actually jquery ui, a library for doing the kind of snazzy hiding (and showing) of things I’ve come to enjoy spending my time doing.I’ve bought a few hardware toys this week: an arduino uno that was originally going to be a cheap clone but wasn’t, the apc from via which promises and delivers a full PC for fifty bucks and a raspberry pi which arrived yesterday. The apc will get mu